Friday 19 February 2016

The problem: 2 black pebbles

I see several solutions to this:

- I'd have a white pebble in the pocket. I'd pretend I'm taking it out of the bag. The money-lender would know that's impossible, so he would have to admit he had 2 black pebbles in the bag.

- I'd ask him to show the pebbles before putting them into the bag. If he says no, I'd say if you don't show the pebbles or you have two black pebbles in the bag you will have to forgive the debt.

- The agreement was 1 white pebble and 1 black pebble. If this is different, then the agreement is not taking place.

- I'd ask him: what are the chances for me to get the white pebble? He would say 50%. Then I'd ask again: how? if you have 2 black pebbles in the bag?

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