Thursday 18 February 2016

My progression in the course so far

This post is a quick evaluation of what has been the course to me so far.

If I have to put it in short: I've learnt a lot. It's impossible not to learn being surrounded by so many creatives. Although, there are so many things worth reading, watching, visiting that one feels a bit overwhelmed by everything. I would like to visit galleries but I don't really know where to go or what to see... maybe a list of recommendations from college would be really helpful. I know it's my responsibility to find these events, but at the beginning some guidance in this matter could be very helpful, like college do with books for the modules.

About the facilities, it is true that the more you use them more you know their strenghts and limitations. I feel a bit 'scared' of doing crafts, as I have always been a mess with them... but I know I have to explore them in order to become a better graphic designer, and it is my intention to do it, even if the outcome is not the best. I am just waiting for a good opportunity to take the risk apply those methods. It would be great to have modules that would make us use these facilities. At the time I've used the digital print room quite a few times, and I surprised myself finding many limitations. I think this is something positive, because it means I am trying to push boundaries within this context by reaching its limits.

Tutors are very helpful and the modules teach quite a lot. I understand that we need to learn to manage our own time by doing it, but at least for now is resulting a bit difficult. It is something I have to get used to it, and now I understand the importance of being organised with the time.

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