Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Second year evaluation (so far)

From the beginning of the course I've tried to focus my work so it leads me to the part of the industry I'm interested in working at. The COP essay I'm writing is about title credits as a bridge between graphic design and cinematography.

Although I know what I want, it's difficult for me to identify what kind of studios could be potentially interested in my work. Also, I don't see how my work is going to make them want to work with me. This is a lack of confidence that needs to be resolved, and for that I've been asking the designers in the industry if they could tell me how to improve my portfolio, but sadly no one has replied. That's why I intend to send letters or something else for a more effective call of attention.

This year is being quite challenging not only by the amount of work, but the creative constrain I'm experiencing. I feel mentally rigid when trying to come up with new ideas or improve existing ones, and not feeling very pleased with the final outcomes. I guess it's normal: we have limited time to make things we've probably never done before.

I've been assisting to three workshops during the two assessment weeks on January. They were about CVs, Cover Letters and job hunting. It was very interesting and the information will be very useful when looking for a job. Also, they offer support for this matter, so if I struggle doing all this I will contact them, which compensates the simplicity of the workshops.

I would highlight how useful was to know the different types of CV and their purposes. The specifications on the cover letter are also very useful to make sure one is making the right use of the space provided. The Job hunting workshop was more of the same of what is being said in the sessions: the best way to find a job is contacting studios and doing internships/placements. It's very important to identify one's Unique Selling Point, something I have to work on.

I've been looking into companies like Blizzard or Riot Games to participate in their internship programs, but one needs to have an American visa to be eligible for this. On the other hand, I've mailed Rockstar Games and no answers.

Regarding the trip to Berlin, I've been looking through different studios and there's one I'm interested in visiting, which is Pulse films. I've discovered it from Simon Harrison, since one day he showed a talk shared by It's Nice That of the director of a music video.

Last year I made a book about the musician Carlos Núñez and I've been trying to contact him as I uploaded photographs of it to my Behance profile and I thought he might like to have a copy of it. Unfortunately, there has been no answer yet, but it seems that I can find a way to contact him through a common friend.

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