Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Presentation exercise

Old Boy is a Korean film that became very popular because of the impact it had on its audience. There was an American remake done in 2013. Hollywood wanted to carry the medal of this great script, but THIS is the movie that deserves all the merit.

Min-Sin Choi is a regular Korean businessman. One day, all of a sudden, he is kidnapped and confined for years in a cell with nothing else but a TV. The kidnappers do EVERYTHING to keep him alive, but they never speak to him. He doesn't know why he is there.

Do you know when someone says something like "it's impossible to be original... everything has already been done". Well, this film is the proof that that's not true at all. The narrative doesn't follow the genre codes. It is savage, goes very deep into the human soul. It's not a film for everyone, but it is a very powerful and perverse master piece.

After the presentation I was told that the use of type was quite bold, which is very good to keep the attention from the audience. I looked passionate about the film (which I am), and it made the presentation more believable. It seems that I managed to tell enough information for people wanting to know more about it.

Other interesting points noticed in other presentations was:

Engage with audience.
Don't focus just on the product.
Using gifs makes a presentation lighter and more humouristic.
Leaving people hanging with a black slide at the end is also a good way to end.
Adapt the content depending on the audience.
End with quote
If the time is limited, go fast explaining things super shortly and making it fun
Make a clear structure of heading, body and ending.

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