Monday, 5 March 2018

Publication's performance on social media

Studio Brief 1 was a great opportunity to create something that made myself a bit more interesting for other creatives and studios to increase the chances of being considered for hiring. The project was uploaded to Behance and linked to other social media, like Facebook or Twitter. Since I got quite some feedback from The Designers League, I published the link there to thank the community for helping me out to create it. The response was unexpectedly good and it became the most popular project on Behance to this date with many positive comments about the design and the presentation. The project was also uploaded to Doméstika, a Spanish speaking platform similar to Behance. It has forums, courses, and many other features. On the same day the project was uploaded, it was spotted by a crew member who featured it, increasing its exposure. Thanks to this project only being on digital platforms, for now, I've been able to meet new creatives with similar interests. It has also been a great boost of confidence and motivation to make things better and keep working hard.

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