Monday, 5 March 2018

Pentagram job application

There was a rare job opportunity from Pentagram for junior designers for a period of 3 to 6 months. I saw it but didn't think I would have a slight chance.
The next day, John Watters private-messaged me through Linkedin to inform me about this position. This got me thinking that if someone else thinks I might be the right person for such position, it's because maybe I am. I got to work on the application straight away. I've had templates for my Cover Letter, CV, and portfolio, so it was a matter of updating them. I used John contact details for him to be my first reference. He also took a look at my cover letter and helped me to improve it. This is a link to the application I made. Unfortunately, I didn't get to be shortlisted. I thought it was a strong application as I fitted in the description of the person they were looking for and pointed it out very clearly in the cover letter. Also, I showed awareness of what Pentagram does, how I would add value to their practice and I also included a piece of work that was inspired by a poster Michael Bierut designed. It didn't work out in the end, so I need to keep trying. I asked if I could receive some feedback on my application.

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