Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Last Studio Practice project for Tropical

I've done an online course in Art Direction with the Argentinian designer Adrián Somoza. This course gave me the idea for the last brief.

Since I want to work for the agency La Escalera de Fumío, I thought I'd do a project for their biggest and most important client. Tropical is a popular brand in the Canaries, as it is the local beer by excellence. They promote loads of concerts, music-related events and other types of cultural affairs.

The idea is to design a landing page and several screens that give the viewer information about an app to promote these events that Tropical sponsors so the cultural offer increases, becomes more accessible to those interested in this kind of events and increases the sales.

This was an idea I got from what I could see from Internet, but to make sure the idea works I e-mailed La Escalera de Fumío asking for details they could share of their most important client, as I want to design something that reflects my strategic approach to design and that speaks directly to them.

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