Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Employment week

The employment week was a great opportunity to get first hand knowledge from individuals making it in the industry with design. This blogpost is a mere retrospective exercise to highlight the most valuable lessons.


The week started strong with an energetic and amazing designer. Dines, from studio Blup, who gave us an opportunity to each one of us to explain an idea and get direct feedback from him. I took the chance to ask him how to improve my PPP project to get the attention from studios. His answer was simple, but yet difficult to interpret: "play with them". He gave me a couple of examples, but I still don't know what to do in this regards. Other than that, his designs were very interesting to me as well as his influences and his story.

The Elephant Room

The guys from the Elephant Room also had a few things to say that I found very interesting. For example, that what I do outside of work can be interesting for someone else. This was something that ensured me that my project for PPP is in the right way, as it is not a publication about design, but about my own thoughts and opinions on different matters. Also, how powerful advertisement can be - for good and bad - using as an example the "coolest monkey" episode from H&M. It's also very interesting how brands are actually taking the role of protesters, like for example, Airbnb with their "we accept" and how this humanises them.

Pop Up Agency

It was mindblowing - and still is - to think that a group of creatives can solve problems in 48 hours. The whole process that Abraham explained was interesting to see how to come up with multiple ideas and not to waste time in evaluating how good is one. In the business of ideas, there must be ideas. Sometimes they are good and other times they are not so good, but the job gets done.

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