Saturday, 16 December 2017

Website Feedback

I've built my website about a year ago and I've always been looking for feedback to keep improving it. Alec gave us that opportunity, so it was important for me to get feedback from him.

There were different suggestions that I will take into account.

1.- Split graphics and films in two different sections. I think this would be counter-productive, because I would be perceive as an individual that does graphics and film, when in reality I want to be perceived as a graphic designer that has experience and understanding in film.

Although, a very good suggestion was to use more gifs or frames from the best moments of these videos to make the navigation through the projects a more interesting experience. This would be a good opportunity to be visually greedy.

2.- Take care of the negative space in the images that compress the different projects in the "work" section and keep it consistent. By situating the projects in such way that there's a perception of variety in colours, there should be a continuity without a sense of repetition.

3.- If a project has similar images (like "Musics") use a gif that show them all for a more impactful presentation.

Follow a structure similar to Espamundi's and apply them to the rest of projects. Create a set of rules that the audience can understand when going from one project to another.

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