Friday, 10 November 2017

A friend from my childhood

People sometimes say that coincidences don't exist. I, on the other hand, think that the universe is just chaos and random things happening all the time.

Just when I've made up my mind in going back to Spain (it'd be a dream come true if I could find a job in my home town Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), suddenly and out of the blue a friend from my childhood has found me on Instagram with some projects he needs help with.

This person works in marketing as a freelance, helping businesses with digital positioning. As a preamble, he said that he wanted to talk to me because he needed a graphic designer for a couple of jobs. I was astonished after our first meeting about all the jobs he had for me. Only one of them was big enough to consider it a project, but that definitely opens doors for others in the industry to know about me.

The first project he needs me to work with, it's a website for a company that sells hardware and construction materials. The one they have now is way too outdated, confusing and lacking of any kind of design reasoning. This might become one of the projects for OUGD603

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