Monday, 1 May 2017

Tailoring the interview

At this point in time, I have lined up several people for the interviews, so worst case scenario if one fails I might have another one.

Following John's directions, the first thing I've done to identify these individuals is first to look into where I want to work once I finish at Uni (Barcelona) and try to find links to my way there. Tell them why I've chosen them. Of course, they have to do work I am interested in. Then do a bit of research about that individual or the studio.

For the interview itself these are the 9 steps to follow:

1. Start slow, safe and personal
2. Coax, don't hammer
3. Open ended questions are good.
4. Ask what you don't know
5. Let that person talk
6. Don't send questions in advance.
7. Be prepared.
8. Listen to intonation, emotion, etc.
9. Don't re-ask same questions

Good questions.

Best advice?
Who inspires you?
Hardest lesson?
Define a key moment in your life.
Biggest accomplishment?
Personal motto?

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