1.- The Sopranos.
This master piece is not just brilliant in every single episode with an outstanding plot. The cinematography and camera work is just something else. It gets perfectly along with the actors and gives the feeling of being watching through a small hole in the wall. As a mafias-related plots fan I consider I am, I'd say this is the most realistic TV series in those terms. I've never been in a mafia myself, but after watching The Sopranos almost everything else feels like a farse: forced and way too dramatised.
2.- Lost
Probably one of the most misunderstood pieces of work that deserved much more. Lost never stops being intriguing, surprising... upto the point that when it finishes, there is an emptiness within oneself. If there is something I learnt as a graphic designer with this series, is that you shouldn't give everything away from the start. Putting the best of a film in the trailer is a huge mistake... in my opinion, of course.
3.- Utopia
This already cancelled English TV series was being one of the most outstanding content I've ever experienced. Colour treatment it's very engaging, very bold for the type of plot, but works perfectly. The soundtrack is just magic and unique, a mixture of tribal and electronic music in a dark and sinister combination that tells perfectly the story that is going on. Promotions and design for the show in general show a high understanding and awareness of graphic design.
4.- Black Mirror
Another English TV series that has an awesome work of promotion as well of production. I find the plots of interest, as they put in front of us values we consider correct, making them look horrible and making our world go upside down. A very good piece of work that makes the audience understand a little bit better the hypocrisies of the society we live in.
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